Thursday, February 24, 2011

Still not missing TV

A little fact about me is that in my home I don't have tv. Wait, thats wrong. I have a tv BUT I do not subscribe to cable, sati-light or even get farmer vision. I made the decision 3years ago when I bought my home to domthe Internet thing and get tv once I was caughtnup with the adjustment of all the payments that would occur.
Well I got adjusted a long time ago and yet don't have tv. It kills my boyfriend. He has often said to me "why can't you be like everyone else and just get it?" and when my dad visits (once a year) he complains the whole time. My mum visits but she also has dropped a hint here and there about getting it. A couple weeks back I was even contemplating getting it as I was getting a bit tired of hearing it all the time....
This week at the hotel has been a real eye opener for me. I still DO NOT want it! I found that I wasted many hours in front of it, nothing really stood out and I could have been doing something better with my getting in a workout!!! I guess I have become so comfortable with myself that spending hours alone, with out the jibber jabber of the noise in the back ground, doesn't bother me in the least. I wonder if thats why people get it to begin with?

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I agree with you on the tv subject. I do have cable but I barely watch it as I have no time really for it. I guess it's mostly for bf. Prior to moving in with him I had no cable or anything of that sort for 2 years and I did not miss it. I was listening to music and I would sometimes go rent a movie on the w-e but that was about it. If I do decide to spend time in front of it there is not actually much worth looking at for the price it cost. But I do like having it to watch the biggest looser and some UFC...
